Tuesday, June 14, 2011

survive not??

yes...untill now im still survive..n leaving...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

how i wish..

how i wish to forgive watever u had done..how i wish i could see it with my own eyes..how i wish la kan..thats all i can say...haih badan..haih nyawa...bertahan lah engkau sementara yg boleh...masalah betul la kalau nk handle org yg suka berdrama...Wuallahualam la kan samada betul ka tak apa yg dia buat...Selama ni aku sabar jer ngn kerenah kau suma..aku sabar ja..aku percaya segala yg kau katakan pada aku...tp sapa sangka org yg kita anggap sehati sejiwa selama ni adalah seorg penipu terbesar?? Hanya tuhan saja yang tau hati dan perasaan ku..nak nangis mmg dah x ada air mata dah nk kluar sbb dah x larat dah nak sedih nangis suma nih..(nnti nangis la kan..tp not the time yet)...bila bertnya xnak mengaku...org suruh bersumpah..bersumpah tp tipu jugak..cmna tu??tak takut ka???hisshh...tp aku hairan kenapa la dia buat cmni kt aku??bunyi pun cinta mati...tp apa ni??..kalau betul apa yg kau ckp..apa yg aku ckp suma x betul napa xnak buktikan??setahu aku...kau ni jenis yg suka pertahankan diri sendiri...kalau benda x betul kau akan buktikan habis2 lah...sbb benda2 lain bila kau cerita bukan main lg..tp kenapa benda ni..kau xnak buat??kau biar jer...n berharap aku percaya apa yg kau cakap...tp sedangkan kau dah tau yg aku mmg dah xleh percaya dah apa yg kau kata...napa xnak buktikan yg kata2 aku ni salah?? y?? nk guna alasan yg kau ni sakit?? i just dont care...u can say im evil..im selfish..x berhati perut?? i just dont care sbb i gve u soo much chance...too much...org da bg kaki nk paha...bersyukur la skit k...banyak kali dah aku ckp..tlg la bersyukur dgn apa yg kau ada...kau ada family yg sygkan kau..kau ada seorg teman utk sygkan kau..tp kau tak pernah nk bersyukur..!skrg baru nk ckp syg cinta..tp tolong la..kalau betul la kau tak buat suma ni..tp napa hal ni timbul???xkan org saja2 nk buat mulut kot??? fikir lah sendiri k..tlg la..aku mintak lepas ni kau jgn la permainkan hati perempuan k..cuba la utk setia!

10 things guys should know!!

10 things guys should knw abt girls.
NO!!!! NOOO!!!! bad comments guys! its facts! xD

1. Dont ever lie to us, we always find out.
2. U dnt have PMS, dnt act like u knw wht its like.
3. No matter wht u say, ur ex-girlfriend is a hoe.
4. If u did something wrong or even if u ddnt, apologize!
5. We r self-concious by nature, we cnt help it.
6. We r DRAMA queens.
7. We dnt shave our legs everyday, so get over it.
8. We'll always think we're fat, so humor us and tell we arent.
9. U cn shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big fat guys, & hit a little baseball with a stick, so why the hell cnt you piss in the toilet & not on it.
10. Most importantly, we r always right, so dnt forget it.

I've been in this situation where..he lie...n i find out...n god knows what happen after that..


allergy...i hate it!!! arrrhhh it drives me super crazy...in my case..my face wont turn red..it wont swollen..its just itchy...really really itchy!!!! only GOD knows how itchy it is...arrr!!!! i cant handle it anymore!!!...so this is what i learn during my ithy days...

change ur bed sheets,towels and CLEAN UR ROOM!..mandi tu sabun habih2...kalau da rasa mandi da sabun..sabun lg banyak2! scrab2...everything! no more sea food....u cn only see da food..hahaha get it?? :P
Second!(or third or fourth or...anything lah)
try taking any allergy pills..such as...zyntec (boleh didapati di farmasi yg berdekatan)  <--- this is wat i take everytime i have an allergy!! ( i hope i spell it right) in my case right now im on piriton/ubat selesema/pil wana kuning yg kecik tu...zytec do not work on me anymore...haihhh.....redha!
this is very VERY very IMPORTANT...DO NOT! I REPEAT DONT NOT DONT EVER SCRATCH IT!coz if u scratch...it will spread to other places..soooo if it spread u will feel more inchy..kalau lg gtal..lagi merah...bila lg merah lagi gatal..bila lagi gatal lagi bnyak tempat kena...SO....DONT scratch it...
try taking ice or something that is really cold and can last long..balut dgn kain or letak dlm zip lock beg or any plastic beg...den letak di tmpat yg gatal2 tu....try doing it everytime rasa gatal..it really work...trust me it does...sooooooo bila sejuk...hilangla gatal...lebih afdal cari any tin soda..aka air tin...fuuuhh!! mmg best!! layaaaaaaaaaannn!
At night bila nak tido...mmg sah2 xboleh ikat ais/air tin kat badan kan..nnti jenuh xleh nk tidoq...so pakai la any lotion or any cream yg boleh mengurangkan kegatalan...so anda boleh la tido dgn aman dan selesa..as i know calmine lotion doesnt work sbb it makes ur skin bcme very dry...so instead of using calmine lotion use any moisturising lotion...any type of lotion that wont make ur skin dry..u need to keep ur skin as moist as u can..coz when ur skin dries..thats when u get all the itchy from...its true using calmine lotion will sooth ur skin..but at the end when it dries..trust me..anda akan menggaru lg...<-- nasihat dr doctor pakar kulit...serious x tipu!
if any of the above are NOT working..and if it gets worst!!! pls go seek the doctor!!it maybe not allergy it mybe something else...In my case...this is the second time...so still x ok esok kena p lagi!!!!!! huhuhuh :(

p/s: this info are base on my own personal experience...kalau nak ikut boleh kalau tak nak pun xper...but yg penting..sila jumpa doktor kalau badan dah start gatal2

im back pple..

hye hye..im back..since i dunno how long...huh now that im finally super super absolutely free from everything..yeayyy!! im sooo happy...its good that some of my friends blog..so y not...lets berblog2...heeee... :)
If u guys wanna know..i just loooooooooooooove cats! like seriously into cats..hahaa....buat msa ni da penah bela kucing around 9 ekor..not all at once of coz...but nw ada 5 saja..so let me introduce to u..my babies!!







dobby (new)


the last 2 dekat bawah tu...yg paling baru i dpt...cieky,cieko,dibu dah R.I.P...sedih sgt huhuhu...but as long as i have the other 5...im happy...love u loads babies!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

finally the day has come!!

today is the day!!!after all the hard work...crazy over time practice...staying back in college...finally the has come!!!!!fuuuuuuuuuuuhhh....yesterday was a great practice...everything is done...everybody is ready....lets have fun!!!......we are peforming fr kdu collge fr their eco bag competition at queen's bay mall....thank god i sleep well last night...cant get the beats out of my head!....

feel free to see us performing today (sunday/ 25.4.10) at queens bay mall...may be at the centre zone???hmmmm...we'll see later...haaaaaaaaaaa i hope u guys enjoy it! i know we do!

to all double ibs and Lalan...GOOD LUCK and LETS HAVE FUN!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


a day without class...love it!!! heeee now im watching house in axn...haishhh a drug addict doctor....sambil buat ID2 work..autocad drawings....detailing...aduuiii...wat a borink day....but i like it!! no class n no training!!...weeee shall enjoy it...while it last